Katharine Campbell / by Kirrily Jordan

Katharine Campbell is a Canberra based artist who graduated from the ANU School of Art in Printmedia and Drawing.

Site investigation and observation within the Australian landscape has always been fundamental to her work. The use of a physical site or landscape provides a framework in which to explore personal responses to the environment. It is the dimension between a visceral response and an observational view, which she finds fascinating and also quite intangible.

In the studio, elements of the landscape are explored working on larger drawings in more detail. Utilising printmaking techniques such as etching allows her to explore the displacement of space and the reconfiguration of the natural environment.

Katharine Campbell, Bifurcation, 2021. Pencil and charcoal on paper, 50 x 35 cm.

Katharine Campbell, Dissonance, 2022. Pencil and charcoal on paper, 50 x 35 cm.

Katherine Campbell, Ediface 1 (detail). Graphite on paper, 226 x 75.5 cm.

Katharine Campbell, Fragment, 2020. Conte and pencil on pizza box, 80 x 40 cm.