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Gallery 3

Sarah Liu

Friday 27 May - 12 June 2022

Time passes, memories fade. Let yourself feel your emotions in this moment. Sarah’s installation is a reflection, and is based on the knowledge that Hong Kong’s anti extradition law movement is a crucial turning point for Hong Kong and its people. Ironically, since the COVID-19 pandemic people across the globe have become mask wearers. Human faces have been transformed into eye masks and face masks, reflecting the masks Hongkongers usually wear. Masks are now however a symbol of human suffering. When seeing other mask wearers, we see also suffering, fear, and feel compassion. We connect with them, our fates are bound together within the pandemic, but our individual emotions remain private. The masks appear whether we put them on or not, they are now part of a permanent change.

Image: Shen Ju Hsieh